Friday, March 23, 2012

My Little Whovian

So I LOVE making things for kids. It is seriously one of my favorite things to do. I'm actually really excited one of my good friend's is having a kid in October because that means I have an excuse to make more of it! I really hope it's a girl but his wife wants a boy. Oh well we'll see who wins out on this one!

Anyway the geek in me came up with the idea of making simple felt books based off the things our geeky selves love. Now I like Star Trek and Star Wars, but I didn't think that was the place to start. So I started off with Doctor Who! The British have a very smart show and it started off as a kids show anyway so why not start them off early?

I know I'm a complete dork but I still like the TARDIS "I" in the title. One of my friends was actually very amazed I could cut felt in cursive. Mad skills!

Have your own little Dalek!

TARDIS that opens up to 10s control panel!

Psychic paper and a mini Sonic Screwdriver

Cybermen! Delete!

It's hard to make but totally well worth it! Looking into making some different ones like Harry Potter and such. There is definitely some cool stuff that can be done with this. Think I might have to make an XMen one for my friend's kid though, he'd enjoy it I'm sure!

My Little Whovian can be bought at Threadendipity on Etsy

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